Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

the future

It took me a while and it was not easy, but its decided...

.:buddhabeats:. will close at sept 30th.

My reasons are simple:
*i want to concentrate on deejaying more
*i want to spend less nights on building
*i want to enjoy sl more but less often
*i want to meet more friends in rl
*i want to do more rl things in general

Moaii will be sold (if you are interested - IM me)

I want to thank you for your great support and your feedback that helped me to improve my products and to gain my skills.
All my products are reduced 50% till the final close.

Maybe see you at my dj gigs around SL if you like...

Blessings to you all!

Ps: i think i might keep that blog and post some of my experiences or tips now and then...

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