Dienstag, 6. April 2010

The Phantom Bug

Hello dear friends!

Lately some customers have informed me of not being able to sit on some of my products, such as the zen garden spring. I investigated a little bit and found something really interesting:

The entire problem is caused by a bug that makes objects with no sit target set (almost every multisitter object) not working when they are inside of a phantom prim. This will also be caused by sculpted objects, which seem to have totally different collision boxes that it may appear.

As you can see in the picture above, a sim panorama, far away from the coast line can have a totally different collision shape than you (and me) would expect. This can also happen with sculpted trees or rocks, even if they wouldnt be so huge.

Now the test - i tried to sit on the zen garden on my land while the sim panorama was rezzed...

It didnt work, until i removed the sim panorama which collision box was covering my complete parcel (even if the plane was several meters below the ground).

The good message is that the scripts are all fine and working correctly.
The bad message is that it works only if theres no phantom prim (no matter if sculpted or not)
crossing the zen garden.

The solution is simple.
Just make sure you ll have enought space between any phantom prim and the zen gardens.
Mind sculptie grass as well as invisible visitor tracker screens or sculpted rock platforms.
If you arent sure how big the sculptie collision box could be, just rez a prim with the exact size of the sculptie (use the build window to figure out the size) and make it a sphere, then move it to exact the same coordinates like the sculptie. I did it like that in the first example picture.

Hope this helped you a little bit and allows you to work around the problem.
It seems like LL wont solve the bug very soon, so i just can give you these tips and a link to the regarding JIRA.

Press here to get to the JIRA entry and VOTE!



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